


Call Constellation: 855-795-9889

Constellation is the nation’s largest producer of carbon-free energy and sustainable solutions to millions of homes, institutional customers, the public sector, community aggregations and businesses, including three fourths of Fortune 100 companies.

Their generation fleet of nuclear, hydro, wind, and solar generation facilities powers more than 20 million homes and businesses, providing 10 percent of all clean power on the grid in the U.S. All told, their fleet is helping to accelerate the nation’s transition to clean energy with more than 32,400 megawatts of capacity and annual output that is nearly 90 percent carbon-free. 

They are also helping customers reach their own climate goals through innovative clean energy solutions, including an upcoming, new 24/7 carbon-free energy matching product.  To further advance the fight against climate change and accelerate the transition to a carbon-free future, Constellation has set own ambitious climate goals, including:

  • 95% carbon-free electricity by 2030
  • 100% carbon-free electricity by 2040
  • 100% reduction of operations-driven emissions by 2040
  • Providing 100 percent of our business customers with customized data to help them reduce their own carbon footprints. 

Constellation provides to commercial and industrial customers fixed, index, and blended pricing solutions of electric power, including renewable energy.



100 Constellation Way, Baltimore, MD 21202



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