
Why energy efficiency benefits both consumers and utilities?

Aug 29, 2017

In a typical business, the business may try to maximize revenue as much as possible to boost profits. This is often accomplished by businesses increasing rates to the highest level that the market will support. […]

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How to Switch Energy Supplier and Save Money on your Electric or Gas Bill

Jul 30, 2017

While switching energy supplier is not a complicated process, it is nevertheless requires either knowledge or careful analysis. For one, there are a few hundred Energy Service Companies (ESCO) offering alternative energy in deregulated states, […]

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Compare Electricity Suppliers

Jun 06, 2017

In the latter part of the 1990s, big changes came to the energy industry in several states. Thanks to this deregulation revolution, the residents of these areas are now able to select the company that […]

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Cheapest Energy Rates

May 08, 2017

Energy deregulation enabled savvy consumers to choose electric and gas suppliers and save money on their electric bill. The process is straightforward: the incumbent utility is still responsible for delivering energy to customers, while supply […]

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